
All About NAPLAN and How It’s Been Assessed

  NAPLAN is a reality for roughly one million Australian students every year, whether they like it or not.  Naplan Practice Tests Year 5 Reading   might be perplexing for parents. It is complicated in many ways; therefore, this review aims to cover all of the critical information you need to know, such as what is tested, how the data is used, and how to assist your child in preparing for the tests.   What is NAPLAN? Since 2008, all Australian schools have used the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) to assess pupils in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9. In the second full week of May, testing takes place across three school mornings - usually a Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The tests are expected to be completed on the same days in all Australian schools. The data is used to compare student progress to a national benchmark. This aids the government and educational institutions in identifying strengths and deficiencies in teaching programs, as ...

Online Practice Tests for Year 3 students

If your child is in Year 3, he/she will take NAPLAN for the very first time - but what's the NAPLAN? In what ways might you, as helpful parents, assist your kid with NAPLAN practice tests year 3 online ? Take the plunge!   The Nationwide Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a yearly national assessment administered to third, fifth, seventh, and ninth-grade pupils. All students in these year levels must engage in reading, writing, language norms (spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and numeracy assessments.   NAPLAN: All You Need To Know Take a moment to learn about NAPLAN and the categories in which your child will be tested before downloading NAPLAN sample papers. Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students take four NAPLAN (National Assessment Program — Literacy and Numeracy) exams in Term 2. The ACARA administers these tests.   They will be assessed on:   ●        Language Conventions: The questions test a stude...

Useful Tips and Facts about the Preparation of NAPLAN Tests

Every year thousands of students appear for the NAPLAN. NAPLAN exams help parents and teachers to understand and examine the capabilities of children's essential strategies and study skills. This is an annual test that is organized in schools other than the term exam and other school activities. These tests are based on the curriculum of the school and are designed to test the skills of the students.    Why NAPLAN is Important?  NAPLAN is used by schools, teachers, governments, and education facilities to determine whether students have the foundational numeracy and literacy skills to aid them in further education. It also provides an indication of how Australian students are performing in schools and in which areas they could enhance and improve their skills. Though there are several questions surrounding the benefits of NAPLAN, it continues to be a regular part of Australian education. A lack of fundamental knowledge of basic numeracy and literacy skills can prev...

The Seal Program For Gifted & Talented Students

  For parents, it is very important to know the capabilities of their children in academics. As it include various subjects such as math, reading, verbal reasoning, and a few more. Each subject has different concepts that help a student to understand and learn the basics. Thus, as a parent, if you are wondering to test the capabilities of your child in different subjects, the SEAL program can be a good option.   Select entry accelerated learning program allows talented and gifted students in a variety of Victorian public schools to learn at an accelerated pace so as to challenge them. The SEAL program is perfect for students who are always looking for better opportunities and greater challenges.   A student who is enrolled in this program generally completes the years 7-10 of their high school education in 3 years. This gives them more options and opportunities to complete their final VCE years to complement their talents and aspirations. Several students complete t...

4 Practical Strategies to Ace NAPLAN

  Being a developed country, Australia lags behind many other countries in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests . There are certain tests in Australia such as the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) that are conducted annually to gauge the understanding and skills of young students. NAPLAN is conducted for the students of Year 3, Year5, Year 7, and Year 9. However, the difficulty of each Year varies and it is as per the standards of the Australian curriculum. If your child is going to appear for NAPLAN, then you should help him/her prepare in advance by providing sample tests. For example, if your child is in Year 3 and needs help with Maths, then you should search online for “ NAPLAN practice tests Year 3 Numeracy .” Doing so will help your child’s academic performance tremendously. NAPLAN has 4 major sections namely language conventions, writing, grammar, and numeracy. Hence, the test aims to assess the literary and numeric ...

Types of Questions in Year 5 NAPLAN

     National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy or NAPLAN, is the crucial test that Australian students of Year 3, Year 5, Year 7, and Year 9 undertake every year in May. This test evaluates the numeric and literary skills of the students. This test consists primarily of 4 sections namely language conventions, writing, reading, and numeracy.       In this post, we will discuss the types of questions that are a part of the Year 5 NAPLAN test,It is well-known to all that there is no substitute for practice. Hence, you must encourage your child to do as many NAPLAN practice tests for Year 5 in language conventions , numeracy, reading, and writing as possible. It is the best way to gauge your child’s progress and preparation for the actual test.      Types of Questions in Year 5 NAPLAN     The 4 sections of NAPLAN pose a variety of questions that expose the conceptual knowledge and understanding of students. Here are the ma...

Details of the Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) Program

The Select Entry Accelerated Learning Program in Victoria is carried out annually for the students of Year 7 to Year 10. For example, a student can initiate the work of Year 8 in Year 7. If you feel that your child lacks the educational environment in which he feels challenged, then you can consider enrolling him/her in the SEAL program. This program allows students to complete advanced coursework at a faster pace compared to other students. Students can complete the coursework of Year 7 to Year 10 in 3 years. It gives them the liberty to choose how they wish to complete their Victoria Certificate of Education (VCE) years. Groups of SEAL/SEALP students are often formed so that students can learn from other students of similar academic ability. The group of students remains the same from year 7 till year 10. SEAL Program Availability in Schools The SEAP Program began in the year 1980. The Academy of Accredited SEAL Schools (TASS) has listed some schools under its banner. These...