Types of Questions in Year 5 NAPLAN
National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy or NAPLAN, is the crucial test that Australian students of Year 3, Year 5, Year 7, and Year 9 undertake every year in May. This test evaluates the numeric and literary skills of the students. This test consists primarily of 4 sections namely language conventions, writing, reading, and numeracy. In this post, we will discuss the types of questions that are a part of the Year 5 NAPLAN test,It is well-known to all that there is no substitute for practice. Hence, you must encourage your child to do as many NAPLAN practice tests for Year 5 in language conventions , numeracy, reading, and writing as possible. It is the best way to gauge your child’s progress and preparation for the actual test. Types of Questions in Year 5 NAPLAN The 4 sections of NAPLAN pose a variety of questions that expose the conceptual knowledge and understanding of students. Here are the ma...